Redesign your interior
with AI in seconds
Discover the future of interior design with our AI platform
1,939+ AI Renders already generated
Unlock the full potential of your interior design projects with flexible pricing plans tailored to meet your needs. Choose the perfect plan for you and start transforming spaces effortlessly.
Save with yearly plans
50 renders per month
High quality renders in seconds
Keep inputs & renders private
70+ styles and room types
Restyle & imagine modes
Community support
Everything in Starter plan, plus
Unlimited renders
High quality renders in seconds
Keep inputs & renders private
70+ styles and room types
Restyle & imagine modes
Email support
Frequently asked questions
Our free trial gives you full access to the features with limit of 5 generations,
allowing you to explore our AI-powered design tools with no credit card required.
Got other questions? Feel free to reach us out at